V soboto, 1. junija 2019, bosta Delavnice »Zmigaj se!« 2019 (1)* učila:
- 14.15 do 15.45: TIAN ĆEHIĆ (jazz, Slovenija) V Sloveniji se je izobraževal pri najboljših – Matevžu Česnu v Boleru, s katerim so skupaj nedavno dosegli največ priznanj na vrhu plesnih prvenstev. Sodeluje tudi pri dobrodelnih predstavah Katja Dance Company, se izobražuje doma in v tujini, vedno znova preseneča s svojimi novimi koreografijami.
- 16.00 do 17.30: BRINA BRECELJ (komercialni ples, Slovenija) tudi ona je že v ranih letih bila uvrščena na sam vrh plesnih prvenstev, uspešno je nastopala tudi na Slovenija ima talet s skupino ANIMA. Trenutno pa uspešno uči po Sloveniji in bližnji tujini ter neprestano samo raste v uspešno in kreativno plesalko. Lansko leto je naredila svojo hip hop koreografijo za učenke Šolskega plesnega festivala.
PAKETI & CENE DELAVNIC »ZMIGAJ SE!« 2019 (1) *in**in*** in****:
V ČASU PREDPRIJAV PREKO E-MAILA (od 22. maja 2019 do 29. maja 2019)
- Cene paketov za plesalca/plesalko z e-mail registracijo in plačilom prejetim do 29.maja 2019:
1 delavnica: 12 € │ 2 delavnici: 20 €
V skupini 4 prijavljenih plesalcev/plesalk dobite 20% popusta. 1 delavnica je potem 9,6 eur/osebo, 2 delavnici pa 16 eur na osebo do 29.5. do polnoči.
****Pred-prijave z e-mail registracijo na e-mail naslov: sprejemamo od 22.5.2019 do 29.5.2019 do 23.59 z naslednjimi podatki: ime, priimek, naslov (točen), vaš e-mail naslov in datum rojstva ter katere delavnice boste vzeli. Po prijavi prejmete potrditev z predračunom. Po plačilu predračuna dobite račun, s katerim se lahko udeležite delavnic in ste dejansko na prijavljeni delavnice ter račun prinesite s sabo na dan delavnic in ga pokažite na vhodu v telovadnico. Denarja za delavnice se ne vrača v nobenih primerih, tudi v primeru višje sile ne ali dokazane bolezni ali poškodbe z vaše strani ali s strani organizatorja, tudi v primeru ne, da se datum ali ura delavnic spremeni ali da se učitelj(ica) delavnic zamenja/spremeni. Denar za delavnice se vrača samo v primeru, da se delavnice v celoti odpovejo s strani organizatorja ali pa da se odpove 1 delavnica, vi ste pa plačali npr. 2 (Torej ste plačali več delavnic, kolikor jih je dejansko bilo).
Prijava na delavnice je možna tudi po 29.5.2019 do 1.6.2019 do 14.15 ure oz. pred delavnico na licu mesta z vsemi potrebnimi podatki poslanimi na, vendar vam priporočamo, da to naredite prej, ker so cene delavnic cenejše v pred prijavi in ker je število mest omejeno na delavnicah. Cene delavnic po 29.5.2019 do 1.6.2019 oz. na licu mesta – pred delavnico/delavnicami so:
- Cene paketov za plesalca/plesalko z e-mail registracijo in plačilom prejetim po 29.5. in do 1.6.2019 oz. CENE NA LICU MESTA so:
1 delavnica: 15 € │ 2 delavnici: 25 €
– Ni možno plačilo s kartico na dan dogodka, ampak samo z gotovino. Na vhodu v telovadnico oz. na licu mesta prosim pokažite račun za delavnice.
– Z udeležbo, prijavo in pred-prijavo ter plačilom predračuna in računa se udeleženec/udeleženka strinja s temi splošnimi pogoji poslovanja označenimi z *in**in***in****.
– Vaši podatki so varovani v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov in ostalimi Zakoni RS ter niso posredovani tretjim osebam.
*Program delavnic »Zmigaj se!« 2019 (1) z Tianom Čehićem in Brino Brecelj se lahko spremeni ali/in premakne na drug datum ali/in lokacijo ali/in ne more biti izvršen v celoti in/ali odpove v celoti in/ali delno zaradi bolezni nastopajočih ali višje sile ali katerega koli drugega razloga na katerega organizator (to je Društvo Zmigaj se! Vrhnika) ne more vplivati. Zaradi teh razlogov organizator ne nosi odgovornosti in ni odgovoren za spremembe v programu, ker ne more vplivati na njih. V primeru neizvršitve delavnic s strani Tiana Ćehića in/ali Brine Brecelj se delavnice nadomestijo s koreografi na istem nivoju v isti ali drugi zvrsti plesa. Samo v primeru, da organizator odpove v celoti delavnice se prijavljenim plesalcem vrača denar za delavnice, v drugih primerih ne. Hkrati organizator ni odgovoren za morebitne poškodbe plesalcev in koreografov in izgubljene garderobe plesalcev v času delavnic »Zmigaj se!« 2019 (1) (to je 1.6.2019 od 14.00 do 18.00).
**Slikanje in snemanje prireditve je plesalcem in učiteljem ter gledalcem dovoljeno samo, če ob objavi na socialnih omrežjih in/ali internetu uporabite hastag #zmigajse in označite @zmigajse ter če pošljete vse kopije fotografij in videov organizatorju na e-mail naslov: v roku 5 dni po delavnicah ter se hkrati odpoveste vsem pravicam do materialnih/avtorskih pravic ter prihodkov iz tega naslova. Predstavniki medijev morate poslati prošnjo za odobritev akreditacije na e-mail: do 1.6.2019.
On Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at the gym of Kulturni Center Vrhnika / Cankarjeva knjižnica Vrhnika (address: Tržaška 32, SI-1360 Vrhnika) will teach Workshops Zmigaj se! 2019 (1)*:
- 14.15 to 15.45: TIAN ĆEHIĆ (JAZZ, Slovenia) he educated himself by the side of the greatest choreographers – such as Matevž Česen in Bolero dance school, with whom they recently achieved the most recognition awards in the mere top of dance competitions. He collaborates also at humanitarian dance shows of Katja’s Dance Company, educates himself in homeland and abroad. Over and over again amazes with his new choreographies.
- 16:00 to 17.30: BRINA BRECELJ (COMMERCIAL DANCE, Slovenia) she ranked mere top of dance competitions at really young age and successfully performed as part of ANIMA dance crew at Slovenia’s got talent. Nowadays she successfully teaches around Slovenia and fellow countries and perpetually grows only to successfully creative dancer. She also did her own choreography for students of Student dance festival last year.
PACKAGES & PRICES OF WORKSHOPS »ZMIGAJ SE!« 2019 (1) *in**in*** in****:
AT THE TIME OF BEFORE-APPLICATIONS VIA E-MAIL (from 22nd of May 2019 to 29th of May 2019)
- The prices of packages for a dancer with an e-mail registration and payment received before 29.5.2019:
1 workshop: 12 € │ 2 workshops: 20 €
****We accept before-applications with an e-mail registration sent to e-mail address: from 22.5.2019 to 29.5.2019 until 23.59 with next information: name, surname, address (exact), your e-mail address, and date of birth and which workshops you wish to attend. After application (via email) you get a confirmation with pro-forma invoice. After the payment of pro-forma invoice you receive an invoice and with this invoice you can attend the workshops and are actually applied on the workshops. You have to bring this invoice to the workshops and show it at the entrance of the gym. The money for the workshops will not be returned in any case, not even in the case of higher force or proved sickness or injury from your side or the side of the organiser, not even in the case if the date and time of the workshop(s) changes or if the teacher/choreographer of the workshop(s) changes/is replaced. The money for the workshops is returned only if the workshops are canceled in a whole or that one workshop is canceled and you pay for 2 for example (that you paid more workshops that in end was held).
Application on the workshops is also possible after 29.5.2019 until 1.6.2019 until 2.15 pm or ON THE SPOT BEFORE A WORKSHOP/WORKSHOPS with all the data needed and sent to, but we advise you to apply as soon as you can, since the workshops are cheaper before this date (in the time of before-application) and because the number on the workshop is limited. The prices of the workshops after 29.5.2019 until 1.6.2019 to 2.15 p.m. until 4 p.m. or ON THE SPOT are:
- The prices of the packages for a dancer with e-mail registration and payment received after 29.5.2019 and until 1.6.2019 or ON THE SPOT are:
1 workshop: 15 € │ 2 workshops: 25 €
– There is not possible to pay with a (credit) card on the day of the event, but only in cash. On the entrance of the gym please show the workshops’ invoice.
– With attendance, application and before-application and payment of pro-forma invoice or invoice the attendee of the workshop(s) agree with general business terms marked with *and**and***and****.
– All your data are protected according with Slovene consumer’s law and all the rest applicable laws of Republic of Slovenia and are not forwarded to a third party.
*The program of the workshops »Zmigaj se!« 2019 (1) with Tian Ćehić and Brina Brecelj can be changed and/or moved on another date and/or location and cannot be executed in a whole or/and can be cancelled and a whole or partly due to sickness of the choreographers/teachers or higher force or any other reason on which the organiser (that is Društvo Society Zmigaj se! Vrhnika) can’t influence on it. For these reasons the organiser don’t held responsible and the organiser is not responsible for the changes in the program, because he can’t influence on it. In the case of non execution of the workshops from the side of Tian Ćehić and/or Brina Brecelj the workshops are substituted with choreographer(s) on the same level in the same or other dance style. Only in a case that the organiser cancels the workshops in a whole the attendee(s) gets their money for the workshops back, not in any other case. At the same time the organiser is not responsible for possible injuries of the dancers, attendees and choreographers and lost wardrobes of the dancers, attendees and choreographers in the time of the workshops »Zmigaj se!« 2019 (1) (that is 1.6.2019 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.).
*Photographing and videotaping of the workshops is allowed to the dancers, attendees, teachers/choreographers but only if next to the publish photo or/and video on the internet and/or social video use hastag #zmigajse and tag @zmigajse and if all the copies and videos are sent to the organiser to e-mail address: within 5 days after the workshops and at the same time you are giving up all right to the material rights and copyrights and profits from this rights. The representatives of the media houses please send the request for accreditation to e-mail address: until 1.6.2019.